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VAT position for UK fund managers

UK fund managers must comply with a complex array of VAT regulations, particularly concerning the exemption of fund management services. Understanding the VAT position of UK fund managers is crucial for compliance and strategic financial planning.

8th April 2024
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VAT: Making and receiving overseas supplies

VAT treatment of supplies when exporting and receiving those supplies overseas is reliant on understanding the place of supply rules. Dougie Todd, Partner and Co-Head of VAT, explains the key aspects financial services businesses need to be aware of.

5th April 2024
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Customer Relationship Management in hand
VAT on international supplies in financial services

The globalisation of financial services necessitates a comprehensive understanding of VAT treatment on international supplies for UK-based businesses. This complexity is heightened when dealing with services to non-UK customers and costs incurred from non-UK suppliers.

4th April 2024
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Meeting with notes
Gender Pay Gap 2023

haysmacintyre is committed to treating individuals fairly and rewarding them based on their merits. We are an equal pay employer and do not pay men and women differently for the same or equivalent roles.

4th April 2024
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‘Triple Bottom Line: Green Horizons – navigating towards a sustainable future’ event highlights

We hosted an illuminating seminar at our office last week about a subject of profound importance not only to all businesses and entrepreneurs, but also to every member of the public: sustainability and climate change. It was the second in our series of seminars, ‘Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet and Profit.’

Watch our event highlights video below.

3rd April 2024
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The basics of VAT in the Financial Services sector

For financial services businesses, understanding the VAT rules is crucial for maintaining compliance and optimising tax efficiency. This article aims to demystify the basics of VAT as it applies to financial services, guiding businesses through the complexities of VAT recovery, exemptions, and the nuanced calculations required for partial exemption and attribution of residual costs.

3rd April 2024
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VAT for financial services: The basics

For financial services businesses, understanding the VAT rules is crucial for maintaining compliance and optimising tax efficiency. Dougie Todd, Partner and Co-Head of VAT, explains the basics of VAT for the Financial Services sector.

3rd April 2024
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The benefits of outsourcing accountancy services for SMEs

In recent times, has there been a more interesting, dynamic and challenging time to be a Small and Medium-sized enterprise (SME) in the UK?

3rd April 2024
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Awards and Accreditations

The Sunday Times Best Places to Work 2024
Accounting Excellence Large Firm of the Year 2023
eprivateclient top accountancy firm 2023

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