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“The Future’s Bright, the Future’s Orange”
“The Future’s Bright, the Future’s Orange” – Mobile telephone advertising campaign 1994
11th October 2021
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Charity and NFP eNews
Charity and Not for Profit eNews

The latest edition of our Charity and Not for Profit eNews is now available to download.

8th October 2021
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haysmacintyre bolster property with director promotion

There has been considerable uncertainty in property related matters regarding payments related to property which have traditionally been regarded as outside the scope of VAT, most notably in the case of dilapidations.

5th October 2021
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Arts and Culture Benchmarking Report 2021
We are delighted to present our 2021 benchmarking report for charities in the Arts and Culture sector.
4th October 2021
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The Fundamental Standards are your bible – get a copy, read them and use them!

Although the Care Quality Commission (CQC) have reviewed their strategy and are implementing a more digital way of inspecting, it’s important to remember that the criteria against which they inspect have not changed and that the Fundamental Standards of Care remain at the core of this.

1st October 2021
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Mencap and sleep-in care workers

Earlier this year the Supreme Court ruled in favour of Mencap over entitlement to the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for sleep-in carers for the hours leading up to carrying out any care duties.

Employment Tax
1st October 2021
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Travel and subsistence payments, do they reflect changes within the organisation?

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic it was possible for many office-based employees to be able to work from home.

Employment Tax
1st October 2021
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haysmacintyre insight: The Investment Firms Prudential Regime: are you ready?

The introduction of the Investment Firms Prudential Regime (IFPR) in January 2022 means that there will be a single prudential regime for all investment firms regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The regime proposes raising the capital requirements for smaller firms. There are also changes in respect of risk management and governance, as well as forecasting and budgeting which will nee to be considered.

With the introduction of the regime quickly approaching, it is important to be proactive and ensure you are ready to successfully meet the new requirements when they come into effect.

1st October 2021
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Awards and Accreditations

The Sunday Times Best Places to Work 2024
Accounting Excellence Large Firm of the Year 2023
eprivateclient top accountancy firm 2023

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