Schools Briefing – Spring 2024

This edition of our schools briefing looks at some political and environmental considerations which may be a concern for independent schools. Phil Salmon, Partner and Co-Head of VAT, sets out some things for independent schools to consider in the event Labour form the next Government and introduce VAT on school fees.

Andrew Roberts, Senior Manager, explores how schools are continuing to both plan and construct new build projects. Despite current challenges and uncertainties, we are seeing a continuation of capital projects with an increased focus on sustainability. Andrew goes on to explore carbon reduction considerations and why it is important.

With the continuing theme of uncertainty, our first guest author Daniel Jacklin, Corporate Relationship Director, Education at NatWest Group, shares the key considerations for an independent school when borrowing. He goes on to highlight what information a lender might ask for regarding the project, and what they may need the school to provide to secure funds.

Given the current economic climate, schools are seeking ways to bolster and diversify their income streams. Ramzan Khan, Senior Manager, looks at various ways schools can do this
across letting of school grounds, hiring out theatres, and letting out event space for weddings, filming and photography. He explores how the VAT treatment can often differ depending on the type of supply and how the many variations can be navigated.

After the latest announcement from HMRC regarding payrolling of benefits in kind, Nick Bustin, Employment Tax Director, explains what this will mean for schools and how they should prepare ahead of April 2026. He goes on to shed further light on past experiences, and what employers will need to consider.

Finally, Louise Veragoo, Not for Profit Tax Director, shares a Corporation Tax update based on the recent changes to legislation. This includes the amount of Corporation Tax that will have to be paid by companies, the impact on the schools’ sector and touches on interest rates which furthers the importance of timely payments.

I hope you enjoy this edition and find these articles of interest.

Do feel free to let the authors, me or your regular contact know if you have any questions concerning the matters discussed.

Schools Briefing – Autumn 2023

With another school year well underway, we look at some of the current political and environmental factors that could potentially impact the sector. Our first guest author, Simon Bulleyment, Director at Sibrossa Ltd, tackles one of the most prominent concerns for schools currently – cyber security. In his article, Simon addresses the risks and shares various examples of malicious attacks that schools may fall victim to, including fraud and ransom. He shares a number of considerations schools should consider to best future proof their systems against cyber-attacks, and provides several useful sources to seek guidance from.

Nick Bustin, Director, gives an update on Employment Tax to include challenges that may be faced from off-payroll working arrangements. He expands on the HMRC campaign letter, what it means for individuals within schools, and provides a helpful list of what HMRC are looking for, concluding with recommendations and how he can help you with a proposed response.

With the continuing political uncertainly around Government, our second guest author Sam Macdonald, Partner at Farrer & Co, delves into what it might mean for schools by an incoming Labour rule. Sam gives his opinion on the impact of the removal of charitable status, taxation on parents, and if there will be any social mobility enhancements should Government change.

Jane Askew, Partner, looks into the recently published Charity Commission guidance for trustees on investing charity money. The advice focuses on supporting trustees to better invest their charity’s money into assets like shares, bonds and managed funds. With current higher interest rates now available, the guidance is recommended reading for all governors, and particularly members of finance and investment committees.

Finally, Alacoque Marvin, Employment Law Partner at Wrigleys Solicitors, explores the Supreme Court ruling on holiday pay, what is included in holiday pay, and what might be considered “a series of deductions”. Alacoque concludes with advice for independent schools on conducting a review of the potential risk of claims for arrears of holiday pay.

I hope you enjoy this edition and find these articles of interest.
Do feel free to let the authors, me or your regular contact know if you have any questions concerning the matters discussed.

Employment Taxes newsletter – October 2023

See below for the topics covered in this edition:

  • Employment taxes roundup:
    • Salaried members update: BlueCrest Capital LLP
    • HMRC compliance team increases in size
    • Upper Tier Tribunal (Tax and Chancery) IR35 case hearings
    • Veezu to go before employment tribunal
    • Bank of England interest rates
    • Rise in National Living Wage
    • HMRC compliance activity
    • Check Employment Status for Tax (CEST) tool
  • Consultations:
    • IR35 off-payroll working rules
    • Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) reform
    • Umbrella companies
  • Other points of interest:
    • Home to work travel expenses
    • Christmas costs

To download the full publication, click the link below.

Charities and Not for Profit eNews

This edition of our Charities and Not for Profit eNews covers the following topics:

  • Gift Aid Awareness Day 2023
  • Charity Commission guidance on social media
  • Charity Commission Trustee quiz
  • Charity Retail Association guidance
  • Guide to social investments
  • Charity Commission collections

Click the button below to download this week’s edition, or read our previous editions here.

Employment Taxes newsletter – January 2023

To start, there’s only two months until the end of the 2022-23 tax year. Within the newsletter, we have listed some tasks you should undertake to remain compliant. See below for the topics covered in this quarter’s edition:

  • Christmas costs: event exemptions and trivial benefits
  • Reduction in Class 1 NI rate
  • Payrolling benefits
  • Changes to company car tax from April 2025
  • Termination payments
  • Intermediaries legislation (also known as IR35)
  • Employment status

To download the full publication, click the link below.

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