Year End Tax Planning Guide 2024

The freezing of many tax rates and thresholds continues to increase the Government’s tax take, but there are still many useful ways to arrange your affairs tax efficiently, and we provide an overview of some of these in this tax planning guide.
For example, where you have discretion over the timing of income, you can establish when that income is best taken — in this tax year or the next. A review before 5 April 2024 could therefore have a significant effect on your tax position. For Scottish taxpayers, to whom higher tax rates and thresholds apply, this is particularly true.

Each year brings its own tax challenges, and this year is no exception. Although the 2023 Autumn Statement was low on dramatic announcements, there are a number of important changes pre-dating this which will take effect shortly. These will merit consideration as part of a year-end review for many people, and include:

  • Further reduction to the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) annual exempt amount.
  • A further cut in the Dividend Allowance.
  • The introduction of basis period reform for unincorporated businesses.

Our Private Client team work to have the all-round vision of your circumstances that can really help make an impact, and we look forward to being of assistance.

Download our Year End Tax Planning Guide below.

Year End Tax Planning Guide 2023

This year, such a review may be even more beneficial than usual. Major changes to tax bands and allowances have been announced over the course of 2022. This means some last-chance opportunities to make use of allowances at current rates and to access current tax bands. Similarly, there may be areas where you have discretion over the timing of income and it is worth establishing whether income is better taken this year or next. Here again, a review before 5 April 2023 could have a significant effect on your tax position. For Scottish taxpayers, for whom higher and top tax rates are set to increase as well, there is even more to think about.

As your accountants, we have the all-round vision of your circumstances that can really help make an impact. To make the tax rules work to your advantage, it’s best to start the discussion as soon as possible before 5 April 2023. We look forward to being of assistance.

Download our Year End Tax Planning Guide below.

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