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UK Trust Registration Service guide for non-UK trusts

The Trust Registration Service (TRS) is a register of the beneficial ownership under trust arrangements. The requirement to register trusts started in 2017 and its scope widened on 6 October 2020. These latest changes are likely to bring many more non-UK trusts within the scope of TRS. This guide details the requirements for non-UK trusts only.

5th May 2022
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Major Sporting Events (Income Tax Exemption) Regulations 2022 for summer

In the last week, HM Treasury has issued three Major Sporting Events (Income Tax Exemption) Regulations for this summer. We outline a brief overview below.

4th May 2022
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Corporate and Private Client eNews
Corporate and Private Client eNews

The latest edition of our Corporate and Private Client eNews is now available to download.

3rd May 2022
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Penalties for facilitating avoidance schemes involving non-resident promoters

Following our Tax Disputes and Resolutions team’s recent article in Taxation ‘HMRC’s power to publish information about avoidance schemes’ Finance Act 2022, s 86 (read the full article here), HMRC has published guidance on penalties for facilitating avoidance schemes involving non-resident promoters, Finance Act 2022, s 91 schedule 13.  The legislation introduces a new penalty […]

Tax Disputes & Resolutions
3rd May 2022
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UK Trust Registration Service for non-UK trusts

The Trust Registration Service (TRS) is a register of the beneficial ownership under trust arrangements. The requirement to register trusts started in 2017 and its scope widened considerably on 6 October 2020. These latest changes are likely to bring many more non-UK trusts within the scope of TRS.

3rd May 2022
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Trust Registration Service for UK trusts

The Trust Registration Service (TRS) is a register of beneficial ownership under trust arrangements. The requirement to register trusts started in 2017 and its scope widened considerably on 6 October 2020. These latest changes are likely to bring many more UK trust arrangements within the scope of TRS.

29th April 2022
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National insurance takings hit £157bn record

The revenue from National Insurance Contributions (NICs) has hit £157bn, the highest amount on record.

26th April 2022
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IHT receipts show year-on-year rise of £0.7bn

New HMRC data out today shows that IHT receipts for April 2021 to March 2022 were £6.1 billion – £0.7 billion higher than the same period a year earlier.

26th April 2022
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