COP9 and tax investigations – Accountancy Daily

Receiving a COP9 and an offer to disclose under the Contractual Disclosure Facility (CDF), is an extremely serious matter and represents the last civil chance for those who may not have paid the correct amount of tax. Danielle and Riocard focus on an overview of the initial stages of the COP9 process, and highlight the importance of the outline disclosure report (ODR) which lays the foundations for a successful outcome. Overall, the process is complex and seeking a professional and expert advisor is strongly recommended – the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) has written to its members urging those without the necessary experience not to undertake COP9 work, due to difficult positions clients have been placed in by inexperienced advisors.

You can read more in the article on Accountancy Daily (subscription needed).

What to do if you receive a COP9 offer

We have commented in detail on the COP9 process previously – the key takeaway is that you should seek immediate professional advice. The COP9 process is incredibly detailed and can be a time-consuming ordeal as well as being financially and emotionally draining. At haysmacintyre, we have a wealth of experience in dealing with COP9 investigations. We have a proven track record in obtaining favourable results for clients, allowing them to draw a line under the matter and move forward without further intrusion from HMRC.

For further support and advice, get in touch with Danielle or Riocard.

Code of Practice 9 (COP9)

The COP9 process

An outline disclosure needs to be made to HMRC within 60 days of the COP9 enquiry being opened. This needs to contain as much detail as possible about all deliberate and non-deliberate tax irregularities. This document is of paramount importance as only irregularities disclosed here will be immune from criminal prosecution. Following this, an in-depth meeting will be held with HMRC to discuss the outline disclosure and in most cases, a full disclosure report will be commissioned after in which all irregularities will need to be fully explained with supporting evidence and disclosed to HMRC.

Seek professional tax advice

Taking professional advice in relation to COP9 is essential, given the fine margins which could lead to a criminal prosecution for an incomplete or incorrect disclosure. Our team includes Danielle Ford, Partner and Head of Tax Disputes & Resolutions, who has over 20 years’ experience in getting the best results for her clients, including resolving COP9 enquiries, and Riocard Hoye, Senior Manager and a former HMRC Fraud Investigation Service (FIS) senior inspector, who can also offer unique insight into the process. We have a wealth of COP9 experience, helping our clients achieve their main aim of avoiding criminal prosecution but also assisting in negotiating a more favourable settlement in terms of penalty rates and payment arrangements.

We’ve written in detail about the COP9 process so if you have any queries, please contact Danielle or Riocard.

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