Nudge letter theory: STEP Journal

Whilst HMRC has access to more information than ever before, it lacks the resources to open full investigations into each taxpayer it identifies as a risk. Therefore, nudge letters are a cost-effective way for HMRC to communicate with a large number of taxpayers when it believes that a taxpayer’s affairs are not in order, and has identified a potential loss of tax. Our STEP Journal article explains why taxpayers with connections to Euro Pacific Bank must act quickly and seek professional advice as soon as possible.

There are some key things to note with nudge letters:

  • An advisor may not always receive nudge letters on behalf of their client.
  • A nudge letter is not a statutory enquiry into a taxpayer’s affairs.
  • Making a disclosure before receiving a nudge letter from HMRC leads to the most favourable outcome.

Read Danielle and Riocard’s insights in more detail in the full STEP Journal article here (subscription needed).

HMRC’s use of nudge letters is ever expanding and they have used nudge letters to cover a wide range of topics. We recommend that taxpayers immediately seek professional advice following receipt of an HMRC nudge letter, statutory enquiry or where a taxpayer has found a mistake in their filings to HMRC.  If you have any kind of dispute with HMRC then please contact Danielle Ford or Riocard Hoye.

Corporate and Private Client eNews

The latest edition of our Corporate and Private Client eNews is now available and covers the following topics:

  • City of London Chamber launched
  • IR35 cases: a tale of two (fly) halves
  • Michael Lynagh v HMRC: caught offside
  • S & L Barnes Limited v HMRC: stayed onside
  • The best or worst of times?
  • False accounting to be a criminal offence
  • London still the top spot
  • R&D reliefs under attack
  • Are Organix and Nakd bars confectionery for VAT purposes?
  • And finally… tax return record

Click the button below to download this week’s edition, or read our previous editions here.

HMRC compliance activity greatly increasing

We have seen a huge increase in enquiries issued by HMRC since the turn of the New Year.

Enquiries by HMRC can be stressful, intrusive and long running. In addition, enquiry settlements can be costly and present financial challenges.

We strongly recommend seeking professional advice upon receipt of an enquiry notice. The right professional advisor can guide you through the process and ensure HMRC are acting within their legal boundaries. In addition, an experienced professional advisor will mitigate and suspend penalties where possible.

If you, your company, trust or charity receives an enquiry notice, then please contact Danielle Ford, head of Tax Disputes or Riocard Hoye, Senior Manager for a confidential initial discussion. Our team has a proven track record in successfully representing our clients in disputes with HMRC, resulting in the best possible outcome for them.

For more on HMRC’s recent enquiries and our analysis, read on below:

Employment Taxes newsletter – January 2023

To start, there’s only two months until the end of the 2022-23 tax year. Within the newsletter, we have listed some tasks you should undertake to remain compliant. See below for the topics covered in this quarter’s edition:

  • Christmas costs: event exemptions and trivial benefits
  • Reduction in Class 1 NI rate
  • Payrolling benefits
  • Changes to company car tax from April 2025
  • Termination payments
  • Intermediaries legislation (also known as IR35)
  • Employment status

To download the full publication, click the link below.

Corporate VAT and Tax update – Q4 2022

“Happy New Year and best wishes for 2023. The second half of 2022 has been very quiet from the point of view of the usual raft of case law developments. However, it has been characterised by some very disappointing behaviour by HMRC.”

Stephen Patey – January 2023

The topics covered within the update are:

  • VAT registration chaos at HMRC
  • Making Tax Digital (MTD) for all
  • Options to Tax on non-residential property
  • New interest and penalty rules
  • Take care with capital expenditure timing
  • Where are we on the IR35 rules?

To download the full publication, click the link below.

Not for Profit VAT and Tax update – Q4 2022

“The second half of 2022 has been very quiet from the point of view of the usual raft of case law developments, with only one case worth mentioning. However, it has been characterised by some very disappointing behaviour by HMRC.

“As I set out some of these developments below, I can only hope that the coming year is better – both on the VAT front but, more importantly, for those struggling to get by in this country and elsewhere with the rising costs of living, and for the people of Ukraine.”

Phil Salmon – January 2023

The topics covered within this quarter’s update are:

  • VAT registration chaos at HMRC
  • Making Tax Digital (MTD) for all
  • Options to Tax on non-residential property
  • Business vs Non-Business activities and HMRC’s stance
  • Take care with capital expenditure timing
  • The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)’s holiday pay consultation

To download the full publication, click the link below.

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